by Alex Tatevian DA and Artem Grush MD.
Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, 2004, Volume 34, Issue 3:357-372
Routine techniques of myofascial trigger points (MTrP) treatment
include needling procedure with an injection of pharmacological
substances or without (dry needle technique). Dry needle technique,
not much different from acupuncture needling, adds to similarities
between MTrP and acupuncture points (AP), including their location
and distribution, pain and referred pain patterns, etc.
The scientific basis for either MTrP injection or acupuncture
is still unclear, although there is a body of evidence relating
response in both cases to neuro-transmitter and neuro-hormone
release, notably that of the endogenous opioids.
With various means of point stimulation granting comparable effect,
the least invasive techniques appear most attractive. We investigated
the effect of Low Energy Lasers (LEL) in MTrP and AP stimulation.
LEL's are laser devices in which power densities and energy densities
of laser beam are lowered to a point where no photo-thermal effects
occur, but the photo-osmotic, photo-ionic, and photo-enzymatic effects
are still operative. Penetration of a laser beam into tissues falls
off at an exponential fashion. Thus, increase of laser power does not
result in a linear increase in the penetration depth and in a linear
increase of biological effect. The prime determinant of tissue
penetration is the wavelength (color) and pulse regime, which makes
pulsed Infrared Laser the most suitable laser device.
LEL has distinct advantages over needling of MTrP and AP: it is aseptic,
non-invasive, and painless; if used properly, it has no reported side
effects; it is ideal for children and patients with needle-phobia.
Infrared Laser is the only tool for a double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled study to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture.
Presented at the 124th Annual Meeting of the
Association of Clinical Scientists.
Session C: Frontiers of Clinical Science;
The University of Texas, Houston, Texas
12 to 16 May 2004